Business Spotlight - Prairie View Campus & White Wolf Web

Prairie View Campus of Sanborn and White Wolf Web of Sheldon are in the O'Brien County Economic Development Corporation Business Spotlight this week. These two businesses hosted tours for the 2024 O'Brien County Career Day, where area High School sophomore students were able to explore some of the great career paths available in O'Brien County. OCEDC wishes to thank Prairie View Campus and White Wolf Web all their hard work in hosting these students during the 2024 Career Day.

Prairie View Campus

Sector: Health Care - Senior Living

Location: Sanborn


Facebook Page: Prairie View Facebook Page

Description: Prairie View provides a thriving environment that is conductive to adding life to the years of those they are blessed to serve. At Prairie View excellence is their standard.

White Wolf Web

Sector: Manufacturing - Printing

Location: Sheldon


Facebook Page:

Description: From weddings to graduations to business supplies, White Wolf Web is here for all of your printing needs!